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Nitzan, the Israeli Association for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities, is the leading organization in Israel for people with LD. Nitzan was founded in 1964 by parents and volunteers and has grown steadily ever since.  With 35 branches nationwide, Nitzan is the only non-profit organization in Israel providing professional assessment and other services to people with learning disabilities.   

In addition, Nitzan is Israel's leading informational and educational resource for learning disabilities.

We provide:

  • Education, support, and counseling for students and parents.
  • Continuing education for professionals.
  • Information and guidance for policy-makers.

Perhaps Nitzan's greatest achievement is the change in perspective it has brought about in Israeli society towards people with learning disabilities. For many years, Israeli's with learning disabilities suffered both socially and professionally. Negative stereotyping and discrimination based on a lack of knowledge and inaccurate information about learning disabilities made life difficult and frustrating for many.  By raising public awareness and and increasing public knowledge as to the needs of these people, Nitzan has significantly improved the quality of life and prospects of Israelis with learning disabilities.  The benefits of Nitzan's services are important to Israeli children, parents, families, and to the entire Israeli society.