Coach Your Child To Success / by Dr. Maly Danino
Coach Your Child to Success, by Dr. Maly Danino, Director of Nitzan, was published by Kontnto de Semrik Publishing International in 2013 and won Amazon's best-selling Kindle rating, the largest bookstore in the world. Amazon's Bestseller rating is awarded to the 100 best-selling books in this category.
"This book presents a fine addition to the literature guiding parents on the management of their children with ADHD, setting forth clear goals and specific methods to attain them helping to reduce the behavioral, academic, and social impairments that are so commonly associated with the disorder."
Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D.
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics
Medical University of South Carolina
This new book is a self-help guide for parents seeking to help children diagnosed with ADHD and learning disabilities. Based on sound theoretical principles, it guides parents through the path of understanding their own feelings, providing them new insights and also new skills that eventually assist the child and change his or her self-esteem.
The book has been warmly received both by the professional community as well as by parents.
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