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 Nitzan specializes in providing rehabilitation services in the areas of occupation, housing, and recreation. These services are based on a unique model developed by Nitzan for the benefit of the adult population in Israel with learning disabilities.

At the basis of the model stands the desire to plan for and provide every person with a rehabilitation program geared to actualize his individual, occupational, and social potential in a rehabilitative, supportive, and benefiting environment.

The rehabilitative work relates to all areas of the person's life and centers itself in the social environment in which the person lives. The goal is to help ensure that each person can take advantage of the maximum amount of opportunities of the services, institutions, and people with whom he comes in contact.

The guiding principle that accompanies the rehabilitative organization is the full use and actualization of the person's rights while relating to his changing needs throughout the life cycle.

The modern rehabilitation process is mainly psychosocial. Different staffs of experts from different professional fields take place in evaluating and planning personal intervention for each person with a handicap or limitation.

On the level of a personal rehabilitation program designed for the needs of the individual, one should relate to the following principles:

  • Individualization- placing the person in the center of the rehabilitation program
  • Normalization- choosing alternate intervention environments which minimally limit the individual
  • Integration- broadening the individual's opportunities to use and benefit from the community services
  • Quality of Life- allowing the individual control in his environment with the goal of benefiting from the different opportunities as much as possible for the individual's personal benefit and welfare.

Nitzan presents rehabilitative settings with long-term housing throughout Israel based on funding by the Rehabilitation Branch of the Welfare Department and a unique project with funding by the Rehabilitation Branch of the Institute for National Security (Social Security).

For whom are these programs intended?

These programs are intended for the adult population with learning disabilities, adaptive and functional problems, ADHD and more.


These settings are designed to provide their participants with an individual rehabilitation program which gradually prepares them for independent life in the following areas:

  • Occupation- guidance to find a place of employment in the free and open market
  • Daily skills and functioning- training to acquire the ability to live in regular housing and community independently
  • Independently taking advantage of recreational activities and strengthening of social and interpersonal skills


Treatment Staff

The treatment staff is multi-professional and includes psychologists, social workers, rehabilitation experts, trainers, and housemothers with years of service and experience.