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Coach Your Child to Success – E.C.C, Emotional Cognitive Coaching


E.C.C. – Emotional Cognitive Coaching is an integrative approach influenced by cognitive behavioral psychological theories and based on positive psychology. 
The desire for parenthood has embedded in it an expectation and a promise of a better future and continuity. In many instances, the child is perceived by his parents as an opportunity for the fulfillment of dreams and manifestation of hopes and deeply held aspirations.

Many parents endeavor to afford their children to go through a wide variety of activities in order to promote the acquisition of knowledge and a variety of tools from a very early age that will serve them later in life. This is done on the basis of an assumption that such would serve as a prerequisite for their growth and which would utilize the fulfillment of their dreams and aspirations. 

Against this background, the word combinations: “a child with learning disabilities” and “parents of children with learning disabilities” are particularly loaded, ones that might evoke a variety of feelings, situations, fears and apprehensions. 

It is not an easy task to be the parent of a child with learning disabilities, or one with an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In many cases, already in kindergarten the clash between the parent’s desire and expectations and the painful reality in which, in most cases the developmental differences among children become distinctly apparent.

Approximately, one in ten children is expected to develop differently than his peers, in other words, he will be less alert than his peers, less attentive, he will not be able to accomplish such tasks as cutting with scissors, using glue or painting and drawing with the same accuracy as other children, and might have difficulty with listening. While some of the children will be defined as having normal developmental delay, where later maturation of brain mechanisms could reduce the gap between them and their peers and proper functioning later in life, a different group, however, will experience significant difficulties that will just be amplified as the demands placed on them increase. The hardship entailed in the acquisition of a seemingly simple proficiency – such as the ability to read, write, and subtract, skills acquired effortlessly by their peers – often stands in obvious contrast to well-acquired cognitive abilities and thus may bring about much frustration that may lead to social and emotional difficulties.

Many years of working with parents, dealing with these issues lead Dr. Danino to write the book The Parent as a Coach-a journey of a parent of a child with learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder in 2007. Following the publishing of this book, Dr. Danino developed two intervention programs for parents: a support group called: The Journey from Support to Advocacy and the E.C.C. process: Coaching for Individuals or Couples.

In 2011 Dr. Danino published the book Coach Your Child to Success which serves as a text book for professionals at Nitzan’s unique coaching program. This book was translated to English in 2012 and to Lithuanian in 2016. 

Based on sound theoretical principles, this book guides parents through the path of understanding their own feelings while providing new cognitive insights which will help them learn more effective behavior patterns.

The method described in the book has been empirically validated in a scientific study involving parents who showed marked improvement in coping with the daily difficulties of their children with learning disabilities and ADHD.

“Coach Your Child to Success” invites parents and children to take a new and challenging path they have yet to discover.