Visiting Illinois Service Resource Center
On November 18, 2014 we visited the Illinois Service Resource Center – a service and resource center of the Illinois State Board of Education.
The Illinois Service Resource Center provides behavior support for students who are deaf, hard of hearing, or visually impaired in Illinois. Behavior support can be for individual students with challenges, or at the preventive level with classrooms or school programs. ISRC serves students with hearing loss regardless of communication mode.
ISRC provides free training, onsite assistance and resources for parents and educators of students who are deaf, hard of hearing, or visually impaired. ISRC team members visit homes and schools to work with families and educators in developing positive behavior support plans for DHH or VI students in need of intensive level supports. ISRC team members work with DHH and VI programs and classrooms to develop positive behavior support plans that teach appropriate expected behaviors for all students.
We were welcomed by the center’s director Ms. Cheri Sinnott who described the work being done in the center. Dr. Danino presented Ms. Sinnott with her book: Coach your Child to Success.
Dr. Maly Danino, Executive Director of Nitzan, The Israeli Association for Children with Learning Disabilities, presented copies of her book “Coach your Child to Success” to Northbrook based service providers. Left to right: Cheri Sinnott, LCSW, Director of the Illinois Service Resource Center at the Center on Deafness; Anat Katznelson, MA, Nitzan Psychologist; Tova Gur Arieh, Nitzan Director of Continuing Programs and Resource Development; Maly Danino, PhD, Executive Director of Nitzan; and Jonathan Carroll, MA, ADHD & Executive Functioning Coach. |