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> Don't Call Us Disabled

Don't Call Us Disabled


Don't Call Us Disabled


I'm one of "those" that they call disabled

Sick of being given names, referred to, and labeled.

Pushed into corners, fighting small wars daily,

I came into the world and was categorized as lazy.

Weird, different, not trying, out of the ordinary,

Retarded, strange, unusual, a disturbing story.

There are phrases that are considered more "professional",

But I'm tired of hearing about my unused potential.

I understand all of this talk quite simply,

I take it to heart, penetrates within me deeply.

After so many years my senses have become weary,

Escape from reality, I prefer to live in theory.


Dear teachers and educators,

Believe us that we are really trying and really want.

Are really attempting (to be like all of the other children at the front).

To add numbers, understand words, and draw straight lines,

We usually don't succeed even the first or second time.

But in this way we're similar to other children and adults,

Who are helped by glasses to see what for them is difficult.


Why aren't "they" called names, labeled as strange?

All we want is an equal opportunity, to be treated the same.

Help us find the problem,

To fit for us the right "lens",

We'll do the rest, work hard, until it starts making sense.

Dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia sound so threatening,

With the right "lenses" the crooked lines start straightening.

The small words become clear, the hidden digits appear,

All that remains is me and my fear.


So, please teachers and counselors don't call us disabled

Like these or others, don't categorize us with certain labels

Make life for you and me easier, give us the right glasses.

We're children, just like the other children in your classes.


by Avshalom Naor(free translation by Oren Rosenberg)